The Demopædia Encyclopedia on Population is under heavy modernization and maintenance. Outputs could look bizarre, sorry for the temporary inconvenience

Diccionario demografico multilingüe (Español segunda edición 1985)

Diferencia entre revisiones de «MediaWiki:RefToolbarNoDialogsTextTerm.js»

De Demopædia
Saltar a: navegación, buscar
(// this.indexentry_i=this.term.replace(/(\w+)s/g, "$1"); // Plural doesn't seem to be nessary)
Línea 221: Línea 221:
   } while (nr==true);
   } while (nr==true);
     this.indexentry_i=this.term.replace(/(\w+)s/g, "$1");
     // this.indexentry_i=this.term.replace(/(\w+)s/g, "$1"); // Plural doesn't seem to be necessary
     this.otherindexentry_oi=this.indexentry_i.replace(/(.*) (.*)/, "$2. $1");
     this.otherindexentry_oi=this.indexentry_i.replace(/(.*) (.*)/, "$2. $1");
   //console.log("j=" + j + " term=" + this.term + " note=" + this.note + " section=" + this.section +" subnote=" + this.subnote +" indexentry=" + this.indexentry + " otherindexentry=" + this.otherindexentry);
   //console.log("j=" + j + " term=" + this.term + " note=" + this.note + " section=" + this.section +" subnote=" + this.subnote +" indexentry=" + this.indexentry + " otherindexentry=" + this.otherindexentry);

Revisión del 16:07 7 may 2019

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function citeWeb() {
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function citeNews() {
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function textTerm() {

var texttermall = [];
var texttermcur = [];
var textterminput = [];
var poffset=null, prange=null, noffset=null, nrange=null;
var section = '';
var subnote = '';

function textTermf() {

function nexttextterm() {
  //console.log("nexttexterm before noffset :" + noffset + " nrange=" + nrange);
  savetextterms(); // Save if changed
  if(noffset){ // If there is a next
    textTermform(noffset, nrange); // Call with offset !{{TextTerm    }}
function previoustextterm() {
  //console.log("previoustexterm before poffset :" + poffset + " prange=" + prange);
  if(poffset){ // If there is a next
    textTermform(poffset, prange); // Call with offset !{{TextTerm    }}

function texttermfill(subtext) {
  var ref = [];
  this.term = '';
  this.note= '';
  this.section= '';
  if(section != '')
    this.section = section;
  this.subnote = '';
  if(subnote != '')
    this.subnote = subnote;
  this.englishentry= '';
  this.indexentry= '';
  this.otherindexentry = '';
  this.otherindexentrytwo = '';
  this.otherindexentrythree = '';
  this.otherindexentryfour = '';
  this.otherindexentryfive = '';

  var j=0;
  var nr=true;
  regexbar= /\|([^|]*)/gm 
  //regexbar =/\|((.)*?)(?=[\||\n])/gm //"|programmes de population|1|933|IndexEntry=programme de population|OtherIndexEntry=population, programme de"
  do {
    ref = regexbar.exec(subtext);
    //console.log(" subtext=" + subtext);
    //console.log(" ref=" + ref);
    if(ref != null){
      switch (j)
        case 0 : this.term = ref[1]; break;
        case 1 : this.note = ref[1]; break;
        case 2 : this.section = ref[1]; break;
        default :
        if(ref[1].match(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.englishentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?IndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.indexentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?IndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.otherindexentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryTwo *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.otherindexentrytwo = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryTwo *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryThree *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.otherindexentrythree = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryThree *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
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          this.otherindexentryfour = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFour *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFive *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.otherindexentryfive = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFive *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
          this.englishentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
        else if(j==3){
          this.subnote = ref[1];
          alert("texttermfill error j=" + j + " ref1= " +ref[1]);
          //console.log("texttermfill error j=" + j + " ref1= " +ref[1]);
    } else {
  } while (nr==true);
    // this.indexentry_i=this.term.replace(/(\w+)s/g, "$1");  // Plural doesn't seem to be necessary
    this.otherindexentry_oi=this.indexentry_i.replace(/(.*) (.*)/, "$2. $1");
  //console.log("j=" + j + " term=" + this.term + " note=" + this.note + " section=" + this.section +" subnote=" + this.subnote +" indexentry=" + this.indexentry + " otherindexentry=" + this.otherindexentry);

function textTermform(offset,range){

  // We search for TextTerm in wptexbox1 from cursor position (offset) and if selected (range)
  // If called by a previous or next, they are not null {{TextTerm<-......>}}
  // if outside of a TextTerm template, we will fill with the term with the selection
  // in any case we compute the previous nextstart and previus end and next offset not real.
  // if inside a TextTerm we fill the form
  // if saveterm is necessary, we save and exit.
  // if previous or next, we save if necessary and we call textTermform with a new offset >0 (next) or <0 (previous) and range
  var textarea= document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if ('selectionStart' in textarea) {
    if (offset == null){ // range should be null too
      offset = textarea.selectionStart;
      range = textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart;
      realltxtterms = /({{TextTerm)|({{NewTextTerm)/gm; // works, finds after Term
      var lstxtterm =-1;
      subtextt= textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd);
      while ((nbtxt=realltxtterms.exec(subtextt))){ lstxtterm=realltxtterms.lastIndex- nbtxt[0].length}
      //var lstxtterm = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). search("{{TextTerm|{{NewTextTerm") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      var lstcltxtterm = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). lastIndexOf("}}") ; //might be for another purpose than TextTerm
      // Looking for the section
      section = '';
      var psectione = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      if(psectione != -1){
        var psections = textarea.value.substring(0,psectione). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
        if(psections != -1){
          section =  textarea.value.substring(psections,psectione+3).match(/^=== *?(\d{3}) *?===$/)[1];
      //console.log(" section |" + section);
      //textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). search(new RegExp("((({{TextTerm[^}]+)[^{]+)+)");
      if ( (-1 == lstxtterm) || ((-1 < lstxtterm) && (lstxtterm < lstcltxtterm)) ) { // @{{TextTerm ...@}}...(...).. 
        // {{Refnumber }} ....! 
        // alert("We are after outside a previous TextTerm or no TextTerm before:" + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart ));
        texttermcur = new texttermfill("|" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
        //console.log(" We want to fill with the selection=" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
        // On se retrouve avec du texte à ajouter et le curseur inchangé à textarea.selectionStart   
      } else if ( (lstxtterm > lstcltxtterm) && (lstcltxtterm > -1) ) { // @}}... @{{TextTerm ... (...).. 
        //alert("We are within a TextTerm or no closing }}:" + textarea.value.substring(lstcltxtterm, lstxtterm));
        // ( textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm, textarea.selectionStart). search(new RegExp("}}")) == -1) {
        var endtxterm= textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.value.length). search("}}");
        if( endtxterm == -1)
          error(" Error no closing TextTerm; should be fixed:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.value.length));
          endtxterm = endtxterm + textarea.selectionStart +2 ; // }} included
          // Looking for @{{TextTerm....}}@
          // alert("We are within textterm  " + lstxtterm + " to " + endtxterm + " soit:" + textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm,endtxterm) );
          //console.log(" Replacing with form result:" + textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm+"{{TextTerm".length,endtxterm-"}}".length));
          texttermcur = new texttermfill(textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm+"{{TextTerm".length,endtxterm-"}}".length) );
          // On devrait remplacer {{TextTerm ...}} par la forme, soit de lstxtterm endtxtterm
          // On se fout de la sélection originale et la repositionne sur toute l'étendue du textterm.
          // alert("After null before textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
          // alert(" selection is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
          textarea.selectionStart = lstxtterm;
          textarea.selectionEnd = endtxterm;
          // alert("After null textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
          // alert(" selection is now:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
        } //en endtxtterm
      } // end  @}}... @{{TextTerm ... (...).. 
    }else{ // coming from a previous or next
      // alert("After Next textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
      // alert(" After next selection is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      // alert("Coming from a previous or next modifing selectionStart start is an offsetstart =" + offset + " and range=" + range)
      // Previous
      //                                selectionStart selectionEnd
      //                                         >                <
      // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
      //       !<-range-------->! 
      //                       #<-offset--------->! 
      // Next
      //  selectionStart selectionEnd
      //      >                 <
      // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
      //                                         !<--range------->! 
      //                       #<-offset--------->! 
      // alert(" Before textarea.selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " textarea.selectionEnd=" + textarea.selectionEnd);
      //alert(" Before is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      textarea.selectionStart = (offset > 0 ? textarea.selectionEnd + offset : textarea.selectionStart + offset -range);
      textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart + range;
      // Looking for the section
      section = '';
      var psectione = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      if(psectione != -1){
        var psections = textarea.value.substring(0,psectione). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
        if(psections != -1){
          section =  textarea.value.substring(psections,psectione+3).match(/^=== *?(\d{3}) *?===$/)[1];
      //console.log(" section Other |" + section);

      // alert(" After is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      // alert(" After textarea.selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " textarea.selectionEnd=" + textarea.selectionEnd);
      //console.log("textterm cur is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart+"{{TextTerm".length,textarea.selectionEnd-"}}".length));
      // We are at the beginning of a selection or of a {{TextTerm or NewTextTerm and we should know the length until |
        var ctermtype="TextTerm";
      }else if (textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd).match("{{NewTextTerm")){
        var ctermtype="NewTextTerm";
        var ctermtype="";

     // texttermcur = new texttermfill(textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart+"{{TextTerm".length,textarea.selectionEnd-"}}".length) );

      texttermcur = new texttermfill(textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart+ctermtype.length,textarea.selectionEnd-"}}".length) );
    alert("No selectionStart Internet Explorer < 9?");
  // Looking for previous and next
  // Previous
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //                        poffset
  //       <   prange      ><
  //       ><              ><
  //     pstart          pend
  //       !<--------offsetpstart------------>! 
  //                       #<-offsetpsend---->!
  //realltxtterms = /({{TextTerm[^}]+)|({{NewTextTerm[^}]+)/gm; // works, finds end of }}
  realltxtterms = /({{TextTerm)|({{NewTextTerm)/gm; // works, finds after Term
  var pstart=-1;
  subtextt= textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart);
  while ((nbtxt=realltxtterms.exec(subtextt))){ pstart=realltxtterms.lastIndex- nbtxt[0].length}
  //  var pstart = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). search("{{TextTerm|{{NewTextTerm");
  if ( pstart == -1) { // No previous
    // alert( "NO previous : " + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart));
    poffset = null;
    prange = null;
    // alert( "Previous pstart=" + pstart + " selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " pstart:selectionStart=" + textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart));
//    if(textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart).match("{{TextTerm")){
     var ptermtype="TextTerm";
    }else if (textarea.value.substring(pstart-"{{NewTextTerm".length,pstart).match("{{NewTextTerm")){
      var ptermtype="NewTextTerm";
        var ptermtype="";
    var pend = textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart). search("}}") ; // Regex ?
    // alert( "Previous pstart=" + pstart + " pend= " + pend + " selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " pstart:selectionStart=" + textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart));
    if ( pend == -1) { // Strange no ending
      stop( "NO ending }} in previous : " + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart));
      prange = pend + 2; // }} included
      poffset = pstart + prange - textarea.selectionStart;  // should be negative
      // alert( " prange =" + prange + " poffset=" + poffset);
  // Next
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //                       !<--------offsetnend-------------->! 
  //                       #<-offsetnstart--->! 
  //                                      noffset
  //                                         ><   nrange     >
  //                       #<-offsetnstart--->! 
  var nstart = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.value.length). search("{{TextTerm|{{NewTextTerm") ;
  if ( nstart == -1) { // No next
    // alert( "NO next TextTerm : " +  textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.value.length));
    noffset = null;
    nrange = null;
     var ntermtype="TextTerm";
    }else if (textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd).match("{{NewTextTerm")){
      var ntermtype="NewTextTerm";
      var ntermtype="";
    var nend = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd + nstart,textarea.value.length). search("}}") ;
    if ( nend == -1) { // Strange no ending
      stop( "NO ending }} in previous : " + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.value.length)) ;
      noffset = nstart ;
      nrange = nend +2 ;// }}

  // We do have offset or null, as well formfilled with a selection.

  if (!ctermtype)
    template = "TextTerm";
    template = ctermtype;
  var legend;
  if (template == "TextTerm") {
    legend = "TextTerm source";
  } else if  (template == "NewTextTerm"){
    legend = "NewTextTerm source";
  } else {
    legend = "Cite news source";
  newtime = getTime();

  var  star_i="";
  var  star_oi="";
  if(texttermcur.indexentry == ""){
    if(texttermcur.indexentry != texttermcur.indexentry_i){
      star_i=" style='background-color:red'"; //<td style="background-color:red">
      texttermcur.indexentry = texttermcur.indexentry_i;
  } else {
  if(texttermcur.otherindexentry == ""){
    if(texttermcur.otherindexentry != texttermcur.otherindexentry_oi){
      star_oi=" style='background-color:red'"; // <td style="background-color:red">
      texttermcur.otherindexentry = texttermcur.otherindexentry_oi;
  } else {
  form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
    '<table cellspacing="5">'+
    '<input type="hidden" value="'+template+'" id="template">'+
    '<tr><td><label for="term">&nbsp;*Term or expression: </label></td>'+
    '<td colspan="3"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="term" value= "' +
    texttermcur.term + '"></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="100"><label for="note">&nbsp;*Note number (1, 2 etc .): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="note" value= "' +
    texttermcur.note + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="100"><label for="subnote">&nbsp;Subnote (2): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="subnote" value= "' +
    texttermcur.subnote + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="300"><label for="section">&nbsp;Section (102, 933 etc.): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="section" value= "' +
    texttermcur.section + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"'+star_i+'><label for="indexentry">&nbsp;IndexEntry: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="indexentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.indexentry + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"'+star_oi+'><label for="otherindexentry">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntry:: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentry + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="otherindexentrytwo">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryTwo: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentrytwo" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentrytwo + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="otherindexentrythree">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryThree: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentrythree" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentrythree + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="otherindexentryfour">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryFour: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentryfour" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentryfour + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="otherindexentryfive">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryFive: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentryfive" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentryfive + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="englishentry">&nbsp;EnglishEntry (for Chinese and Japanese): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="englishentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.englishentry + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<input type="button" id="previous" value="(save &) previous TextTerm" onClick="previoustextterm()">'+
    '<input type="button" value="(save &) exit" onClick="savetextterms()">'+
    '<input type="button" id="next" value="(save &) next TextTerm" onClick="nexttextterm()">'+
  document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += form;

function citeNewsWeb(templatename) {
  template = templatename;
  var legend;
  if (template == "cite web") {
    legend = "Cite web source";
  } else {
    legend = "Cite news source";
  newtime = getTime();
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    '<table cellspacing="5">'+
    '<input type="hidden" value="'+template+'" id="template">'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="url">&nbsp;URL: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="url"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="title">&nbsp;Title: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="title"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="last">&nbsp;Last name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="last"></td>'+
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function citeJournal() {
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function getNamedRefs(calls) {
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function citeNamedRef() {
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function addnamedcite() {
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function getAllRefs() {
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function NRcallError(namedrefs, refname) {
  for (var i=0; i<namedrefs.length; i++) {
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      return true;
  return false;

function errorCheck() {
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        if (namedrefs[k] == namedrefs[z] && k != z) {
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          skipcheck = true;
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        if (!NRcallError(namedrefs, namedrefcalls[p])) {
          errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+namedrefcalls[p]+'</tt></td>';
          errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">A <a href="">named reference</a> is used but not defined</td></tr>';
          undefexclude[ux] = namedrefs[p];
      skipcheck = false;
  if (q > 0) {
    return errorlist;
  } else {
    return 0;

function dispErrors() {
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    '<input type="checkbox" id="samecontent" /> References with the same content<br/>'+
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    '<input type="checkbox" id="undef" /> Usage of undefined named references<br/>'+
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function doErrorCheck() {
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      document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
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      '<legend>Error checking</legend>No errors found.</fieldset></div>';
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  else {
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      document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
    form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
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    form+= '</table>'+
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